Trophies Awarded at SRS AGM

Society Trophies and Previous Winners

Harry Arnfield Trophy - Long Service to the SocietyG4LP – Trophy for Best Lecture by a Club MemberG4HK – Trophy for work during the year
2015 - Nigel Roscoe - G0RXA2014 – Evan Duffield M0TJU / Carsten Steinhoefel - G0SYP2009 – John Shufflebotham M3NBU
2016 - Bernard Naylor - G3SHF2015 – Peak Contest Group for Raithlin2010 – Jeff Hunt G6XRL
2017 - Tom Spence - M0DCG2016 – Ray King - M1REK2011 – Ed Vaughan 2E0CFM
2018 - Arthur Deakin G0OEM2017 – Pete Ridley M1PTR, Pete Singleton M0PTB, Phil Hodges M0XYA2012-2015 – Retired
2019 - Eric McFarlane G3GMM2018 - Neil M6NAE and Dennis G7DSV for Fusion/Dstar2016 – Philip Hodges – M0XYA
2020 - Alan Gurnhill G0ROW2019 - Phil Evans M0HNJ2017 – Bob Smith M6TMA
2020 - Chris Kennedy 2E0KJC2018 - Heth M6HNS, Ed 2E0CFM, John M0JFM for Club of the year
2019 - Jim Ratcliffe G6URD (Highest Attendance at Club Meetings)
2020 - Not awarded due to non attendance at the club
G2ARX – Trophy for ConstructionG3OWW – Trophy for QRP OperatingG3FYE – Memorial Trophy for best CW Operator
2009 – Jeff Hunt G6XRL2009 – Bernard Naylor G3SHF2009 – Jim Barlow G3VOU
2010 – Jeff Hunt G6XRL2010 – Not Awarded2010 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2011 – Not Awarded2011 – Not Awarded2011 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2012 – Bernard Naylor G3SHF/Peter Ridley M1PTR2012 – Mike Carter M6MPC2012 – Mike Carter M6MPC
2013 – Tom Spence M0DCG2013 – Ray & Andy King M1REK/M1LOL2013 – Bernard Naylor G3SHF
2014 – Rob Bradshaw M0TKT2014 – Mike Carter M6MPC2014 – Brian Lewis G3NHN
2015 – Nigel Stanley 2E0CKA2015 – Darren Vincelli M6FCJ and Ben Taylor M6FCF2015 – PCG for CQWWDX Contest CW
2016 – Stephen Brown M6ISB2016 – Nigel Smithies M6YKK2016 – Arthur Deakin G0OEM
2017 – John Shufflebotham 2E0GCX2017 – Brian Robinson MoREP2017 – Evan Duffield M0TJU
2018 - Mag Loop Team2018 - Neil M6NAE and Dennis G7DSV for Fusion2018 - Bob M0CPP
2019 - Kieran Ratcliffe SWL2019 - Keith Sale 2E0JPY2019 - Jeff Swann M0IKI
2020 - Not awarded due to non attenance at Club2019 -John Cressey M7CPT2020 - Chris Kennedy 2E0KJC and David McArthur M0WDD
G3SHW – Trophy for Operating AchievementG4APA – Memorial Trophy Contributions to the Society G3VOU – Jim Barlow Trophy (HF Ladder)
2009 – Christine Murray 2E0LMG2009 – Jim Barlow G3VOU2009 – Jim Barlow G3VOU
2010 – Evan Duffield M0TJU2010 – Kieron Murphy M5KJM2010 – Jim Barlow G3VOU
2011 – Tony Smithies 2E0SMI2011 – Tom Spence M0DCG2011 – Evan Duffield M0TJU
2012 – Alan Gurnhill G0ROW/Kieron Murphy M5KJM2012 – Anthony Smithies M0SAV2012 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2013 – Nigel Stanley 2E0CKA/Andy Finn M6GBV2013 – Barrie Turley G6GUT/Alan Gurnhill G0ROW/Steve Holgate G8YTP/Anthony Smithies M0SAV2013 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2014 – Graham Smith G3ZOD2014 – Heather Stanley -SWL2014 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2015 – Peak Contest Group for NFD/p2015 – Pete Singleton M0PTB2015 – Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2016 – Slawek Kubecki M6SQJ2016 – Tom Spence & Steve Holgate M0DCG / G8YPT2016 – Barrie Simpson VK2BJ
2017 – Neil Rydings M6NAE2017 – Nigel Smithies M6YKK2017 – Barry Simpson VK2BJ (Full) / Neil Rydings M6NAE (Foundation)
2018 - Alan M6KOY2018 - Roy G6RSU2018 - Carsten Steinhoefel G0SYP
2019 - Keith 2E0JPY Winner
2019 - Nigel 2E0CKA Runner Up
2019 - Pete Singleton M0PTB2019 - Pete Singleton M0PTB
2020 - Chris Kennedy 2E0KJC2019 -Joint Award to Lockdown Team Keith M0JYP, Neil M6NAE, Chris 2E0KJC, Nigel 2E0CKA and Teatime Morse Team Bernard G3SHF, Tom M0DCG and Nigel G0RXA2020 - John Cressey M7CPT


G4BUX – Rose Bowl for contribution over a period  (TROPHY RETIRED IN 2012)

2011 – Ray and Andy King M1REK/M1LOL
2010 – Dave Bates G0LZL
2009 – Alan Gurnhill G0ROW

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